May 17, 2017

A man vs a 'boy'

There is a great disparity between a man and a boy.
And there is a great disparity between maturity and immaturity.
Everyone has great advice, but no one really gives advise that counts, advice that was personal and honest, stripped of their 'perfectness'.

So here are some of my experiences, witnesses and expectations, hoping you can be honest enough with yourself to get what you deserve x


I have been someone's last priority, whilst they have been my first priority.
When a guy is interested in you, he makes you a priority, but the question really is, once he has your attention, are you still that same kind of priority? Being women, we cannot let our emotions cloud our standards/expectations.
You do not have to be the number 1 priority, but considered a high priority.
And can I importantly state that men are not oblivious/without a clue, but this is where effective communication comes in handy!!!
I made a bad habit of excusing bad behaviour/habits.
Things like not be being able to make any time in the day for you, inconsiderate behaviour and more is an indicator that you shouldn't stay. It is important to remember how valuable and beautiful you are, your worth is reflected in how you accept to be treated.


I've witnessed people get disrespected by men, and may I say that this man is weak/fragile. It is a vice-versa situation. This can sometimes be caught out by looking at how a guy treats/talks to everyone in his life, but again, this can be hidden. No woman should tolerate/accept a guy that disrespects her. This can be in the form of verbal/physical abuse, how he treats others as I believe your partner becomes a reflection of you. Opening doors, waiting, saying thank you and more, are little things that should come naturally and genuinely, not because one has the knowledge of chivalry.


A lot of people like to lie, it is like a game to them, especially in this generation. This, however, can not be your fault and at the same time can be. There is a big difference between being oblivious to lies, and choosing to dismiss the lies. I hope you can be honest to acknowledge which one you are as a female that acknowledges her worth. I personally have found myself in the oblivious category, otherwise byeee. It's something I despise of on a grand scale, in any type of relationship. Ask you deserve a liar, to torture your mind? No one does.
If a man really loves/respects you, no matter the situation, he will be honest and then it is up to you on what to do next.

Compromise-  You will be met halfway. He can understand that it is not always a one sided thing. That teamwork does exist outside of the workplace.

Hope you can either learn or relate xx

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