June 22, 2017

Brain-food: reading into existence

                                           So I grew out of reading misery memoirs, thank God.
Instead I've become interested in spiritual books, and motivationals, because they don't make me low, but perceptive and motivated. So here's a lil break down of my 3 favourite/most recommended, and my insight. Much love xo      

So this book right here by the wisdom filled Joyce Meyer, was sent to me by a lovely person helping me through a hard time. It is not typical. It is honest and practical. If you are having mental struggle, whether you need to discipline/love/protect your mind spiritually...this is for you. It is written by a Christian, but I believe it is not limited to Christians, howeverr it is built from the bible, so you would have to delve into it for full benefits/understanding. I particularly read this after heartbreak and family problems.

Oh, oh, oh, this is one of my favourites!! I LOVE literature-poetry and prose. This book is excellent for you females in search of yourself, mind body and soul. It is like feelings and words you search for are written exactly how they are meant to be. This poetry book is good for those who don't like hefty paragraphs to read. In fact some poems are just a line or two, seriously! Written by the brilliant Nayyirah Waheed. If you have my social media's, look bout on my blog, you'll see I feature her quite a bit. I'd deffo and i'm going to take this on holiday with me, for a cheeky beach read.

By Kathryn and Ross Petras, here is the book of motivation. the quotes found in this little yellow book, are from all sorts of successful icons. From Serena Williams-Steve Jobs-Pablo Picasso-Jayz. As it states, it is a motivation booklet for dreamers and doers.

Do give the other books a read, they are just as great, and i'm still currently going through some!

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