September 28, 2017

Regrets were decisions made, keep it moving...


 had to discipline regret.
                                                           Love myself for doing so,
i'm never stuck in the past.

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People often find themselves feeling low, stagnant, guilty as a result of regrets.
It is easy to feel regret and guilt, it is also natural, but too much of it,  is toxic.
Too much regret/guilt can bring about feelings of depression, and worthlessness.

We have to remember that as humans we are fallible, mistakes will be made no matter how excellent/precise you are. It is essential that you are not too hard on yourself because...

regrets were decisions made and you have to keep it moving...

When I would find myself in a moment of regret i'd never think about what could've been better or changed again and again and again...just once over, then act on it if necessary. This was and is my way of dealing with regrets, to not dwell on them, and keep it moving, however there are different types of regret and different steps required.

Bad decisions

I learnt that people who make bad decisions can dwell on this negatively as they have done something wrong. At the end of the day, a bad decision initially may have been perceived as a good decision with good intentions. We cannot control the future, only predict it so instead we can work towards making good out of something bad. How can we move forward? How can you fix the situation to the best of your ability?

Getting to know gratitude

This is probably the best way to overcome regret. Being grateful for what hasn't gone wrong, what other doors can still be opened and the option to fix a situation.

I always use to compare myself to others and their situations but then I realised we are all constructed  oh so differently!

So instead, how about working and moving forwards from regrets/bad decisions ?

It really is a half full/half empty cup situation and only you can decide the stance you take and how this will impact your life...

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