October 12, 2017

Aligning your heart and your mind

Recently i've had to move slow and take time because something has been off, i've been finding it difficult to give a lot of things my 100%. You know when you're not fully there?

You try and ask yourself what the problem is, where the anomaly lies, and mine has simply been the realisation that too often my heart and mind are contrary, and they need to be aligned. 

It's tricky because we sometimes find ourselves in instances where we must separate our heart from our mind and we have to deal with things swiftly, get on with life and keep moving forwards because nobody is gonna wait for you. We live in a world where 'time is money' and progression is a mutual desire. For example, taking a job that your morals/faith do not at all support but pays the bills, or making decisions based on the general consensus..

Nobody wants to be in a stagnant place, we often panic if so. And in understanding this disciplining our minds & hearts (emotions) is essential, but I think i've lost the plot recently, and come to the realisation that through meeting wordly demands, I have been dishonest with where I stand/who I am.

I'll give you a prime example...

I have convinced myself to believe that I have high tolerance for a lot of things. I have a high tolerance for a number of things but not everything, like ignorant or rude people, negative environments and more. It is more so a reflection of how society view women, as females constructed to take and tolerate more, get over double standards, bare more pain etc..

Taking time to ask yourself how do you actually feel? Where do you stand? Who am I in this circumstance?
Is the beginning of aligning your heart and your mind healthily. Everyone may have to make compromises but we do not have to become self conflicted.

How am I trying to encourage you?

Perhaps by saying that you must be exactly who you are/have been and the world will adjust to you. That by aligning my heart and mind I have found a certain peace and flow to life, things have been working out for the better. 

When we do not know where we stand as individuals, how we articulate ourselves and what we believe in we often find problems arising...waking up overwhelmed, self conflicted, anxious, needy, and so on. Yes sometimes we may have to act differently in challenging circumstances but not let it determine where your heart and mind then lie. 

And how are we maintaining this standard and not letting old habits arise?

By choosing to make conscious decisions and focus towards becoming the best version of yourself x

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