October 26, 2017

Who you keep in your circle

A question one doesn't often ask themselves is...what are the mediocre things in my life right now?

What lacks effort? 
Why can I only see half an empty cup? 
What is preventing your flowers from growth?

It can sometimes be right in front of you, all around you....

It can simply be the people you choose to be in your life. Your friends.

The bible says two things that resonate to myself about friendships and mediocrity and it is this;
'Bad company corrupts good character' and 'one who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.'

Now stop to think about every relationship you have in your life. 

There's at least one that is mediocre, a bit wishwashy, not adding value to your life whether it be something small or big, someone who only lets you down, brings you trouble, thinks negatively, there is someone who you might not actually consider as a reflection of who you truly are or are trying to be...

Who you let into your life can change your life.
Having the right kind of vibe and positive energy is all you should look for. It has become evidently clear to me over the years that negative energy around you can result in you becoming negative, discouraged and somewhat mediocre, basically not the person you used to be. When I look back at some of the company I would keep compared to the company I now keep, I can not only see a reflection of myself and growth, but be able to identify things that I do not associate with myself. This is essential as it can be easy to think that you are strong minded and are not the type of person someone else is, however habit breeds familiarity and unconsciously you start to mould into one another and share thoughts, morals and actions. 

I believe every single person reading this deserves the best. The best relationships, friendships and love. We often settle for mediocre things and get complacent with our requirements or lower our standards to fit the status quo. It is not worth it at all, not one bit. Popularity doesn't last you a lifetime, you hardly talk to half of the people that you think will stay in your life and people part ways. So I think, why waste time? Why go for things that don't reflect who we are or who are trying to become/grow to? If I had thought of these things in life a bit earlier, and understood the importance of them I know life would have definitely been more purposeful.

This isn't to say that you will find people who are exactly like you, we are all unique...
You just have to find people who are worth the effort, good and rough times, growing and loving together 

Yours x

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