August 15, 2019

I'm confident to start over


 I have been spending forever trying to figure out when exactly is a good time to start over. Not only when is a good time to start over but who will notice that once again, I am picking up pieces.

Are these questions relevant or necessary? The answer is of course, a simple, bold and confident no.

I am confident to start over. This is all you need to feel and act on. The present.

It has taken a long time to be confident enough to start over, and whatever this may look like for you...please understand it is attainable, the future is undefined, changeable and filled with opportunity.

I've been needing to find my true confidence lately. I told my therapist that being confident and finding that same confidence I once had some years ago is a goal i'd like to achieve. Yes, there are certainly a lot of factors that can boost your confidence and top it off. Like what? Pretty much self care in all its various shapes and forms. Gym, sleep, balanced diet, yoga, affirmation/motivation videos, the list can go on. Keep on doing these things, and if you don' confident to get started.

 But wait!

This is not the answer. At least not the answer I found for myself. Let me tell you why confidence is more so a sound reality of mine now.

This sudden ability to be confident enough to start over is not because of the things I do but the decision to base my confidence in this very moment. Let me break it down.

I am confident to start over because I have decided that my confidence does not need a time, action or person to navigate it, but to be it, and embrace it in the present. I cancel out the lingering thoughts of am I doing this right? Who's looking at me? And the many more doubtful questions.

How do you get there?

 I believe God plays a big part of where my confidence is sourced from and also when I realised I genuinely accept every part of myself. To accept the work in progress, mistakes and achievements because I am only human and at the rate I've been going at i'm gonna run my damn self down.

I guess the next question I have for you you accept and act like who you really are?

Until next time x

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