This is not the beginning of a regular journey.
This is the beginning of a life changing path.
One where seeds are sown. This is not just it though. We are present. We acknowledge that the seed belongs to the sower. Our eyes are open and have taken a mental image of this action, we are accountable to the next chapter that life presents to us.
Hey guys,
Welcome to the first blog post of 2020!
Having looked back at all the life experience 2019 had to offer I can easily say that this is the year of execution, joy, love and many more wonderful things to come.
An attitude to take into this year is definitely the sowing of seeds and the aftercare package this requires. I can easily tell you about the mistakes and so called failures of the past but this is not the tone or attitude of MyMental. MyMental focuses on 'learning' and 'growing', creating the right environment for your mind to THRIVE in.
So this is it. Make a wish. Let the seeds be planted.
Anything and I mean anything you plant has the greatest potential to flourish. Not in any environment though. This environment needs to be nurturing and responsible to the many needs the seed will have.
A seed cannot flourish in a dark room with no light, an environment where there is no water or a pot with rotten soil. This seed is our MIND, PLANS and ACTIONS!
From our mind flows all things. This is how we make plans and take action. Nurturing our minds and never stopping this process is essential. Mental health is not a 'stigma' if we positively stimulate the seeds that flow out from our minds. This may be tricky because we have to filter out seeds from all the interfering factors around us everyday. I'm talking about anything and everything, family, friends, social media; the list can go on. We must be aware of the things that don't necessarily come from us and whether we would or would not like this to manifest into our MINDS, PLANS and ACTIONS.
Ask yourself, is this a seed that i'd like to water? If not we dismiss it!
Mental health is something that I am proud to talk about despite the hardships. Why?
Simply because this is a trial and error journey. Mistakes mean you learn. Effective strategies will be discovered and built upon.
As a result of nurturing the most precious seed ever planted you will reap beautiful rewards life has to offer.
So if I asked you what one thing you think your SEED/MIND is missing, may it be water, sunlight? May it be positive affirmations, fresh air, exercise, therapy...?
Who knows? You know.
So this is it. Make a wish. Let the seeds be planted. And water that damn seed.
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