May 26, 2020


Up until I was 22 I had symptons of PMS that never failed to be present every month. This consisted of the usual rollercoaster of emotions, cravings, breakouts etc...only a few days before my period. This was not the most convenient thing as anyone can imagine but it was manageable. Then I turned 23 and things definitely took a MASSIVE turn. I thought I was genuinely going through a depressive phase which made me very sad but I wasn't fully convinced that I was because after some time I felt good again, myself and normal. My sister sent me a video about pms/pmdd and she highlighted that all my symptons are exactly (to a T) reflective of PMDD. So the research began...

PMS and PMDD is a reality for a large percentage of women every month on average 90%!. It is experienced roughly 7-10 days (more or less) before their period. It can unfortunately affect your mental health and for some women there are not many 'quick fixes' to help change this.

What is it?

What is PMS and PMDD + what are the differences?

PMS=Premenstrual Syndrome
PMDD=Premenstrual Dsyphoric Disorder

They are both a combination of physical and emotional symptons before a woman starts her period. Both PMS & PMDD include symptons such as heightened emotions, aches, bloating, irritability and feelings of depression. PMDD on the other hand is more severe than PMS and it is VERY important to be aware of these symptons.

 PMDD symptons - Severe irritability, feelings of hatred, depression/anxiety, lack of interest in relationships and activites, self doubt, trouble thinking or focussing, feelings of sadness, crying, sleep trouble, low energy and thoughts of suicide.

Yeah. Wow.
This may not apply to you in every aspect but it is important to understand our bodies changing and how this can affect us mentally. I definitely experienced most of the symptons of PMDD, had no clue about it and have never felt so helpless! Until I did research and became more aware, so here are ways I have managed my symptons. You will however have to do your own research and see what works best for you.

DIET - Research shows that foods that contain salt, caffiene and sugar should be limited to reduce moodiness and bloating.We need lots of vegetables/fruits and particularly leafy greens, this helps with low energy. Research shows that you should consume more calcium/low fat dairy, I have found this works for me, however it is a conflict of interest because it makes my period pains worse the following week so I increase it ever so slightly now.

TRACKING APP - Do you track how you feel or the symptons you have? This is very underrated! I use an app that you can download called FLO it tracks my CYCLE and allows me to enter any symptons I have. At the beginning of figuring out my PMDD this helped me mentally a lot. It reassured me that I wasn't loosing my mind as I read back my symptons that occured roughly at the same time every month.

SUPPLEMENTS/NATURAL REMEDIES - Do your research ladies, there is so much on the internet about natural remedies. I use organic tumeric with black pepper - black pepper is important as it activates the required ingredient in tumeric to be effective. This helps me with inflammation and pain. There are so many more, take 10 minutes to check online. You can also take calcium supplements and make sure you're up on iron.

COMMUNICATION- We didn't pick our gender and we can't necessarily control this aspect of life (unless you choose the next tip) so communicate! Our mental health is promoted when we talk and let out what is happening inside our heads. Every time I know I am experiencing symptons I send my sisters or friends a message letting them know what's going on but also that I am okay and will speak to them when it is most convenient for me. This works for me because I am extremely irritable and emotional so space is better on this ocassion.

CONTRACEPTION- There is one particular contraceptive pill (forgot its name) that helps with the symptons of PMS/PMDD (the doctor will remember lol). As much as contraception can be a last resort for people, symptons of PMS/PMDD can honestly be unbearable. Visit your doctor and discuss your symptons and see whether contraception can help you. For some women it can come at a cost depedning on what side effects the pill has on your body which is why natural remedies is good to research and try first.

POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT- No matter how much of an amazing, confident and bomb individual you are PMS/PMDD can really convince you otherwise. I continuosly tell myself positive things or write notes to calm myself. I am convinced it is the same as encouraging a young child with the 'you can do it', 'well done's and more because it is easy to forget in that period of time what normal feels like.

I hope this post has made you feel more aware, more reassured and safe knowing that this time is not a true or ideal reflection of your mental health. I hope this leads you to do some research and become more aware and keep battling through the way our bodies change as well as the way our minds must develop and grow stronger xx

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